
How it all started

our story
HK Consulting has started its journey in 2011 through providing support to a couple of business initiatives. Learning from implementing business management best practices of successful and great companies from across the world have augmented our expertise. Through applying these best practices in business transformation, talent management and attaining exponential growth we have come up with a unique and customized toolset which can be applied for business success in any industry anywhere in the world.
We also experimented the toolset in product design, supply chain, branding, marketing, behavioral insight, revenue model, use of social media and technology, growth hacking, exponential growth, human capital development and management and even in career and personal development.  One of the business initiatives took off successfully in 2015 generating sustainable revenue inflow. But the partnership model did not work out well due to lack of transparency and compliance. This incident coupled with a series of new business initiatives, engagement with the private sector champions of Bangladesh to establish a management institute to develop management capacity of the mid and senior level corporate executives, increasing unemployment and commitment to the economic development made it obligatory to delve further into other factors and preconditions of business success.  This solidified HK Consulting expertise to cater services to the private and public companies in a greater scale. We then got engaged with a 50-year-old biotech company and successfully transformed it. We also worked for a large real estate company which transformed its human resources and work procedures. We conducted workshop on “corporate transformation for exponential growth” for the national airlines of Bangladesh where all mid and senior level corporate leaders participated. The capability of exponential thinking is a precondition for exponential growth was successfully infused through the workshop. Our CEO led several studies including “Report on Capacity Needs Assessment” conducted by Bangladesh Employers Federation sponsored by UNDP to identify and assess capacity needs of the private sector organizations.  The studies revealed a number capacity lacks of the private sector professionals and organizations which is why a huge number of expat manager are engaged in different industries of Bangladesh. A documentary “Game Changer” on establishing a management institute supported by private sector champion and UNDP is directed by the CEO. Since then HK Consulting has seriously been engaged in transforming private and public sector companies for exponential growth. We have also transformed and set up a number of large and small enterprises successfully and turned them into profitable business ventures. We facilitate investment and provide specialized technology support to FIs, government agencies and private sector entities. Please find our detail service list at what we do section.

Client's Story

A R Malik Seeds Pvt. Ltd. is a 50-year-old biotech company in Bangladesh providing quality seeds to farmers. The company started research-based marketing of vegetable seeds, seed potatoes and other various seed items since 1982. The company has huge contribution in the agriculture sector of Bangladesh as nearly 80% population of still lives on farming.

The company has been facing enormous challenges despite having the best product in the market. Therefore, the company management sought our support to resolve the management, human capital, revenue inflow and marketing related challenges. We have transformed the company successfully and most of its challenges are resolved. The company is now running smoothly having a strong focus on growth and expansion. With our high-end management consulting support the company has become a global standard exponential organization.